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In order to accomplish its vision and mission, PAROC Research Institute has following strategic goals:

1. To critically approach pastoral theological research with awareness of interdisciplinary hermeneutical methods and catholic presupposition.

2. To evolve methods and processes of qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods in research, appropriate for socio-pastoral studies.

3. To research on and give guidance, especially in community building, collaborative ministry, conflict resolution, etc

4. To develop possible networking with research centres and scholars in similar fields, locally, nationally, and internationally.

5. To critically analyse the changes in society and culture, politics and economics to orient the people of God in the light of Church policies in these areas

. 6. To publish the research findings through journals, leaflets and books.

7. To organize academic programmes with a focus on research in pastoral studies.

8. To create a scientific attitude among the pastors in practising pastoral ministry.

9. To critically develop theological understanding by reflecting on socio-economic-cultural and pastoral data gathered from the ecclesial communities in India.

10. To create expert forums of ecclesiastical and social sciences involving laity clergy and religious to engage in continuous research, reflection and planning.

11. To disseminate the research findings among clergy, laity and religious through short-term, long-term training programmes.

12. To give training in interpersonal skills such as listening, empathy, dialogue, engaging in conflict situations and collecting feedback.

13. To develop organizational and leadership skills in pastors, parish leaders, and members of religious communities and institutions.

14. To organize courses on theological updating, skills in developmental activities, human resource development, management skills etc.

15. To prepare lay people with various professional background, both active and retired, to associate themselves in pastoral work.

16. To train professionals in pastoral care of the sick, the differently challenged persons etc., in the parish community.

17. To prepare animators fully equipped to organize spiritual renewal programmes in their respective groups for prayer and worship.

18. To develop pastoral planning of dioceses, religious congregations, parishes, and institutions using modern scientific methods of assessment, analysis and strategic planning.

19. To do such other acts and things that may be necessary and/or incidental to and in furtherance of the aforesaid vision and mission of the Institute